Introduction: Who I am and what this space is for.

2 min readApr 12, 2022

Who am I? My friends call me Nikk. I am a middle-aged, mother, pagan, ordained clergy, with my primary path being the Lokean & Rokkatru branch of Heathenry. Loki is my patron, and I am a god-spouse to him as well. And I do not care if anyone agrees or disagrees with anything to do with that statement. As for my place in the Rokkatru path, I do not adhere to the all love, light & positive that many modern pagans teach. Nor do I dwell entirely in the darker aspects. I walk in the twilight, as many of us call it, and I prefer to aim for balance when at all possible. Whatever that may look like. I personally believe that it is intention and motive that determine whether any magik or spirituality is “light” or “dark”, and though I do definitely fit most within the Left-hand path religiously, I am very much “grey” in my work and spirituality. I also do not believe in karma in the way that it is most often taught, though I do believe it is there in some form. I have traveled a long, winding, varying, eclectic path of paganism for over 25 years, and no matter what system I tried and traveled through I was, and am, always considered to be in that grey area between.

So, what is this page for? This page is my space to share my blogs (for those who don’t use wordpress) about my personal thoughts on various pagan-related topics based on my perspective, study, and experience throughout my journey through paganism and into the path that I now know to be my spiritual home and heart. This space will also be used to share blogs from my business page “Nikk’s Readings and Wonderings” where I offer intuitive readings, candles, crafts, and other services. Because of this, there will also be writings about spells and tarot information, and exploration of many different eclectic topics related to spirituality, tarot, and the like. Along with this, I will post links to my podcast episodes (both from my Business & my personal/spiritual one) So, welcome, and let the journey begin. Blessings to you all.




Mother, writer, blogger, pagan clergy, nerd, science lover, computer programming student, and more.